4 Safety Tips for Female Solo Travelers Taking a Road Trip in the US

woman in black shirt driving car

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Are you interested in a solo road trip but keep talking yourself out of it for a million different reasons? One of the main would have been the fact that you’re a woman.

The fear of the unknown and the opinions of others should not deter you from following your dreams. In general, Forbes shares that we’re currently living in the era of the ‘female adventurer.’

An increasing number of women are planning all kinds of trips, international included, by themselves. This means a solo road trip as a woman is not a far-fetched dream.

As far as safety is concerned, this article will take care of it. We will discuss four tips that will help you drive safely through the US for a fun and memorable road trip.

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Plan But Don’t Broadcast Your Plans

Any trip per se requires proper planning to maximize its experience and manage the budget. Most importantly, it will ensure safety because you will have a clear idea of what to do, where to stay, etc.

Since you’ll be traveling solo, planning the road trip’s itinerary is crucial. Let’s look at the different steps that will go into this process –

Once you’re done with the planning process, share the news with trusted friends and family only. Do not overshare your travel plans, especially through a slip of the tongue.

Even during your journey, there’s no need to let other travelers know that you’re going solo. This is crucial from the viewpoint of safety.

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

Get to Know the Roads and Safety Rules Inside Out

Are US roads dangerous? Though road fatalities have declined, they’re still bad enough to be considered a public safety crisis. In a survey, nearly 49% of Americans agreed that drivers in their area have become more reckless than before the pandemic.

While driving alone in unknown locations, simply having a map with you is not enough. Check your vehicle’s working condition and get to know the roads thoroughly.

You don’t want to find yourself breaking any rules accidentally and getting a ticket. Also, understand the roads in context to the place’s weather conditions. For instance, Colorado is said to have the most unpredictable weather conditions in the world.

The Rocky Mountains region is a popular area to go road-tripping. Usually, people go up to Colorado Springs to get the one-of-a-kind experience. However, the rugged terrain and unpredictable weather (fog) make the area extremely accident-prone even for seasoned locals.

What’s more, a high tourist influx contributes to unfamiliar drivers. Now, the heavy congestion and winding roads are bad enough. If a driver fails to follow safety rules, an accident of tragic proportions may occur.

One could get badly injured or suffer from significant property damage due to another driver’s negligence. Even if the victim is an inbound visitor, they can use the services of a Colorado Springs auto accident attorney for fair compensation.

According to the Springs Law Group, many factors can affect the settlement amount and timeline. These include the severity of injuries, case complexity, and the negotiation process.

The two takeaways of neglecting road knowledge are accident risks and a challenging legal situation (unless an experienced attorney intervenes). It’s best to familiarize yourself with the driving routes as much as possible.

We will recommend the following safety strategies –

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Avoid Being Out in the Dark

As we mentioned previously, try getting into a good hotel or lodging before it gets too dark. Avoid being out on the roads during this hour as it carries a lot of safety risks.

The National Safety Council states that you may face the following risks at night –

The risks are especially high during the weekend, particularly on Saturdays. If you have driven your car around in the night, you must be aware of the challenges.

Either drive slowly and improve your night vision through reflective glasses or ditch the night drive altogether. Also, you cannot ignore the fact that a woman driving solo at night has other kinds of safety risks to be aware of.

You don’t want to be stranded in the dark only to catch the attention of the wrong people. Instead, try getting up early in the morning to continue your journey to the next destination.

Photo by Bran Sodre on

Always Stay Alert and Prepared

The number one question that people have about women going on a road trip alone is whether it is safe. The truth is it can be safe and unsafe; it all boils down to staying alert and prepared.

The best advice in this case would be to never let your guard down. So, stay hyper-aware of your surroundings and don’t underestimate the importance of safety precautions.

Let’s look at all that comes with staying alert and prepared –

So, when are you leaving for your solo road trip? As the warmer months set in, more and more folks will leave for road trips across the US.

Pack all your essentials and buckle up for an adventure of a lifetime. Just keep the safety rules we discussed in mind while planning your itinerary and exploring the destinations. Happy road-tripping!

Photo by Taryn Elliott on
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